
Showing posts from March, 2018

Golden Key Asia-Pacific Conference 2018

Written by Pauline Csuba (Intellectual Engagement Officer) As a Member of the Golden Key International Honour Society, and Intellectual Engagement Officer of the Swinburne University Chapter, I recently attended the Asia Pacific International Conference, 8-10 February 2018 as a Conference Delegate and Workshop Presenter. Golden Key is celebrating their 25th Anniversary in Australia (1993-2018). An invitation went out to students to apply to speak at the conference being held at RMIT in Melbourne. I was successful in my application. The theme for this year’s conference was Innovation, Sustainability and Technology. To deliver on this theme the United Nations 17 Global Sustainable Development Goals were incorporated into the conference. I was 1 of 9 Workshop Presenters along with 12 Keynote Speakers and 3 Panels. I presented UN SDG No: 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth. This goal is to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth by providing full and producti

Building Your Own Personalised Brand

Written  by Justine Hall (Chapter President) Katrina's 5 P’s to Success:  "Prior  Prep Prevents Poor Performance" At the 2018 Golden Key Asia-Pacific Regional  Conference, Former Swinburne Chapter President Katrina Davis conducted a workshop on "Building Your Own Personalised Brand". She touched on the importance of managing your personal name online, as well as offline. With internet search engines like Google, anyone can find your digital footprint.  That is why it is so important to: Be mindful of your connections and communication channels.  To regularly edit and update your online presence.  Katrina discussed how you can develop your own personal brand by creating  SMART  goals and a  SWOT  Analysis, thus enabling you to lead with your strengths. It’s also important to note, by setting your relationship circles you can better control your brand, privately and publicly.  Other key points mentioned were the ability to adopt appropriat