
Showing posts from September, 2018

Intellectual Engagement Event - Seven Women

Written by Alyssa Pascual (Newsletter Editor) On the 4th September, the CEO of Seven Women, Stephanie Woollard spoke about Sustainable Tourism with a documentary screening showing their amazing work of empowerment in Nepal. It was a truly inspirational story which empowers women and men in their communities to rise above their circumstances and fulfil their potential. Stephanie shared her amazing story of encountering disabled women while travelling in Kathmandu, Nepal. Through her generosity and spirit, she assisted these women to create products and as a result, they were able to support themselves through their business. In addition, she championed their education, particularly literacy and understanding finances, equipping them with the skills needed to run business on their own. They went on to teach other women and now, men are part of the program to become independent and self-sufficient.  Our Intellectual Engagement Officer, Emily Elliott, organised and hosted the

President's Message October 2018

Written by Phillip Nguyen (President) It has been a momentous time as our chapter continues to deliver global insights from our shores. Recapping on the past month, we held our Intellectual Engagement Event, that was warmly received. Thank you to both Emily and Pauline for coordinating and hosting this event and Alyssa, Arpit, Kevin and Prathamesh for their continual support from our committee. A special mention in commending Stephanie Woollard for her outstanding achievements and her captivating presentation on her organisation, Seven Women. Moving forward, is our Victorian career connector and we invite all Golden Key members to join us in connecting with leading industry partners. It is one of the events of the year that must not be missed. Without further ado, I will leave you with some brain teasing proverbs, "New adventures are always waiting to be found, to lead you onto higher ground" "For those who have made mistakes, it shows that you are h

Leadership Training 2018

Written by Alyssa Pascual (Newsletter Editor) On August 2nd, the Golden Key Swinburne Executive Committee attended the Leadership Training at La Trobe University. Various university committees were able to learn and develop leadership skills from Golden Key University Relations Officer, Elyse Heslehurst. Other universities in attendance include Federation University, La Trobe University, Deakin University and Victoria University. As there are quite a few new members to the Swinburne Chapter Executive Committee, it was quite beneficial to learn rules, regulations and general processes of the Golden Key Society. This is to ensure projects and events are run smoothly and effectively. There were many learnings and tips including budgeting for events, defining roles and responsibilities and helping committee members to succeed. The leadership program that Elyse presented was fantastic, informative and inspiring. There were discussions on what leadership meant, how to successfully work