
Showing posts from December, 2018

Backpack 4 Kidz

By Kevin Tuyau - Vice President Swinburne Chapter Swinburne Chapter committee members met at Swinburne University in December 2018 to create 100 stationary packs for Backpack 4 Kids Victoria. The packs were filled with pencils, pens, rulers, erasers and exercise books. The chapter also donated $300 of chapter funding to purchase the stationary items needed for the packs. Backpack 4 Kids Victoria is an organisation that provides backpacks full of essential items to children fleeing domestic violence or have lost everything in house fires. The stationary packs made by the committee will be put in the backpacks along with other items such as clothes and toiletries. A couple of days after making the stationary packs, chapter co-vice president Kevin Tuyau delivered the packs to the Backpack 4 Kids Victoria head office. The organisation's founder Sally Beard was there to gladly accept the packs made by the committee. Backpack 4 Kids started in Sally's house in 2014 and

Operation Christmas Child

By Kevin Tuyau - Vice President Swinburne Chapter Sixty thousand disadvantaged children will experience the joy of Christmas thanks to Operation Christmas Child 2018. As a part of Golden Key's SPARK initiative, the Swinburne chapter organised for at least two Golden Key members to volunteer at Operation Christmas every Saturday for the month of November. Some members also volunteered during the week. Volunteers sorted through shoe boxes full of gifts, donated by generous Victorians across the state. Each shoe box contains gifts for one child. The gifts cover education, hygiene and fun. Volunteers had to ensure that the boxes had nothing dangerous and could pass through customs. Over the month, two containers were filled in Golden Key's presence, totalling 21000 presents. Adding to the total of 60,000 presents being sent to the Philippines from Victoria. Thanks to the Golden Key who provided their time to this great cause. If you are interested in donating a shoe box

Career Connector

By Prathamesh Shiram - Secretary and Professional Development Officer After many days of hard work and dedication put in by Amy Lego from GK APAC and committee members of Swinburne University of Technology and Deakin University, a career connector event was organised for all the Golden Key members across Victoria. The members had the opportunity to network and engage with leading organisations like EY, UniBank, Ducere, P.O.W.E.R,, and Professionals Australia!. In addition, it was a great platform for members to get to know their fellow Golden Key members. The event was hosted by Swinburne University and held at the George Building on level 2. The event commenced from 6.30 PM until 8.30 PM. A total of 43 members attended this event, refreshments were provided to all. The secretary of Swinburne University, Prathamesh Shiram and the Vice President, Kevin Tuyau, worked closely with Amy Lego to make all the above things possible. The event kickstarted with an

President's Message - December 2018

As festivities approach towards the end of the year, looking back it must be acknowledged that our committee has achieved monumental highs. The proceedings all began with our Annual Academic Breakfast that was well received by both senior academics and honorary members. Moving into Semester 2, the presence of our stall at Welcome Back week engaged students to win a variety of prizes such as Hot Chocolate and similar vouchers. Numerous neighbouring stalls commented positively on our presentation and know-how about the great activities that our Golden Key Chapter were assisting with in the community. In quick succession, it was onto our Hot Chocolate networking event giving those lucky few to redeem their prizes and to connect with members over hot chocolate and churros. In August, the committee learnt valuable and collaborative skills in the Leadership Training Session where they met other GK committees from other universities such as ACU, RMIT, La Trobe University and Vic