Operation Christmas Child

By Kevin Tuyau - Vice President Swinburne Chapter

Sixty thousand disadvantaged children will experience the joy of Christmas thanks to Operation Christmas Child 2018.

As a part of Golden Key's SPARK initiative, the Swinburne chapter organised for at least two Golden Key members to volunteer at Operation Christmas every Saturday for the month of November. Some members also volunteered during the week.

Volunteers sorted through shoe boxes full of gifts, donated by generous Victorians across the state. Each shoe box contains gifts for one child. The gifts cover education, hygiene and fun. Volunteers had to ensure that the boxes had nothing dangerous and could pass through customs.

Over the month, two containers were filled in Golden Key's presence, totalling 21000 presents. Adding to the total of 60,000 presents being sent to the Philippines from Victoria.

Thanks to the Golden Key who provided their time to this great cause. If you are interested in donating a shoe box, please go to the Operation Christmas website.


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