
Showing posts from May, 2017

Golden Key VA Ball 2017

Written by Kevin Tuyau (Vice President Swinburne Chapter)  A great night was had at the annual Golden Key Victoria Alliance Ball. The event is exclusive to Golden Key members and their guests. Almost 100 people attended on the night, including myself and our Newsletter Editor Kylie. This year the theme was Masquerade. This meant that guests had to wear masks to create a bit of mystery and increase social interaction. The Ball took place at the Rendezvous Hotel in the Melbourne CBD, opposite Flinders Street Station. The function room was impressive, definitely in keeping with the style of a 4 star hotel. Just walking through the marble covered hotel foyer created an atmosphere of grandeur. Upon taking my seat, I was greeted by the waiter, offering to pour me a drink. I took a soft drink, but there was a selection of wines available to choose from as well. They also had an open bar where drinks could be taken throughout the night. Dinner this year was a buffe

Committee Member Profile: Karuna Santosa

Written by Karuna Santosa What is your Committee position? Alumni Officer who assists Honorary, Academic and Community initiatives.  What do you do at Swinburne? I am a sessional academic researcher assistant in the Pro-Vice Chancellors Student Engagement. I work with psychologists researching Higher Education Accommodation and Financial Stress. I also receive scholarship payments for the assistance I provide students at the Language and Academic Skill Centre and within the Swin-Peer Assistance Program.  What are your hobbies? Yoga/meditation, community service, reading, surfing, jogging, qi gong, reiki, walking and dancing.  What made you decide to become a Golden Key member and join the committee? Please refer to my article about the 2017 New Members' Reception. Awards you are proud of achieving? 2017 Golden Keys International Honours Society, Recognition of Outstanding Academic Achievement 2017 Swinburne University Emerging Leader Award 2017 Diversity Aw

President's Welcome May 2017

Written by Justine Hall Dear Golden Key Members, On behalf of the Executive Committee I would like to congratulate our 2017 inducted Swinburne Golden Key members. Welcome to the Swinburne Golden Key family! We are proud of your academic excellence and encourage you to unlock your full potential by taking full advantage of Golden Key International Honour Society’s opportunities. Many will recognise me as I have been on the committee since 2012. I worked myself up through the committee from Professional Development Officer - Team Leader, Academic Officer and Vice-President. I had the pleasure of being a Steering Committee Member for the 2016 Golden Key Asia-Pacific Conference. My leadership and community involvement with Golden Key has been recognised, winning the ‘2017 Woman of Achievement Award’ from Zonta Club of Melbourne’s East. This award recognises and acknowledge a woman who has achieved, who has given back to her community and who has become a role model to

New Member Reception 2017

Written by Kevin Tuyau (2016 Chapter President, Golden Key International Honour Society). About 200 Swinburne University students were recognised for their academic achievements on April 28 th 2017, when they were inducted as members of the Golden Key International Honour Society. The Swinburne University chapter of Golden Key was established in 2006. Since then the chapter has inducted about 4000 members through their annual New Member Reception. This year the official officiators were: Professor Duncan Bentley : Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Prof. Glen Bates: PVC Student Advancement and Chapter Advisor Sunnefa Penning : University Relations Officer, Golden Key Asia-Pacific Kevin Tuyau : Chapter President, Swinburne Chapter Justine Hall : Chapter Vice President, Swinburne Chapter Each year the chapter nominates honorary members from the community, based on their demonstration of the three pillars of Golden Key; Academics, Leaders