Golden Key VA Ball 2017

Written by Kevin Tuyau (Vice President Swinburne Chapter)

 A great night was had at the annual Golden Key Victoria Alliance Ball.

The event is exclusive to Golden Key members and their guests. Almost 100 people attended on the night, including myself and our Newsletter Editor Kylie.

This year the theme was Masquerade. This meant that guests had to wear masks to create a bit of mystery and increase social interaction.

The Ball took place at the Rendezvous Hotel in the Melbourne CBD, opposite Flinders Street Station. The function room was impressive, definitely in keeping with the style of a 4 star hotel. Just walking through the marble covered hotel foyer created an atmosphere of grandeur.

Upon taking my seat, I was greeted by the waiter, offering to pour me a drink. I took a soft drink, but there was a selection of wines available to choose from as well. They also had an open bar where drinks could be taken throughout the night.

Dinner this year was a buffet offering a large variety of food. I approached the table and filled my plate with the salads, only realise the was another table offering curries, roasts and pastas. Going back for seconds was must.

Dessert was equally enjoyable. There was a selection of cakes, tarts and fruits available. There was even a lolly bar.

During dessert there were two competitions. First was for best dressed. The winner received a gift and a sash to wear. The second competition involved everyone banging on the table and screaming as loud as they could. Unfortunately I did not win either competition.

After dessert, the tables made way for the dance floor. A DJ played dance hits through the night. There was mixture of new songs and retro favourites. When the Macarena began, everyone lined up and did the moves. There were also dancing circles formed for the brave to show off their skills. Even the DJ got into the fun and was dancing on stage and giving out high fives.

Even though the ball had to end, the memories are still on social media. There was a photo printer set up in the corner of the room. Anyone who used #gkball2017 on Instagram would have their photos printed out with a limited edition border.

This event was great fun and value for the ticket price, considering the large amount of food and drink. I highly recommend attending the ball in 2018. Keep following our Facebook page to learn about upcoming events.


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