Race Against Depression 2017

Written By: Meg Blackie
Following their annual tradition of 12 years, on the 6th of August RMIT once again hosted The Race Against Depression. All funds raised are donated to Headspace to assist them in the amazing work they do around Australia. This year $2,415 was raised!
Although the day started off wet and cold, as soon as the race began the sun came out and shone for all of what turned out to be a fantastic day! Eight groups signed up for the race, including Swinburne’s group made up of four Golden Key Members. Each group was handed an initial clue which led them to a location where they had to complete a challenge in order to receive the next clue to figure out the second location. There were 7 locations in total, and the challenges were great fun! In our first challenge, we had to move an oreo from our forehead into our mouths without using our hands (funnier watched then explained!). For our second challenge, we had 60 seconds to work as a team to move as many uncooked grains of rice from one bowl to another using chop sticks (it took us 50 seconds of moving one grain at a time to realise we could use the chopsticks to pick up the whole bowl and pour them!). Other challenges included memory, yoga and magic!
Once we completed all the challenges we raced back to home base where one challenge remained, the minefield! For this challenge 3 of our team members were blind folded whilst one got to keep their vision and guide our footsteps over a 3 meter field ensuring we didn’t stand on any mines (tape on the ground). We had to pick up 3 treasure objects on the way and get them over the finish line safety. Sadly, all our team members were ‘blown up’!

In conclusion, despite being the second fastest team and doing very well on all the challenges, our team actually finished last in all categories! Not to worry though, as they took pity on us and made up an award, ‘the outsiders’, for which we got left over donuts! Yay us! Overall, the Race Against Depression was a fantastic event for an even better cause, and we can’t wait to head back next year.


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