Attending the Golden Key Asia-Pacific Conference 2017

Secretary Liz Merrit represented the Swinburne Chapter at the conference in Sydney this year. Here is her first hand account.

 Golden Key Swinburne secretary, Liz Merritt, accepting award for Gold standing.

This year the Golden Key Asia-Pacific Conference was held at the Australian Catholic University in North Sydney. The theme of the event was Passion, Purpose, Persistence.
The first key note speaker of the event was Order of Australia Medallist and Gold Medal Paralympian, Dylan Alcott. He shared his story of success through persistence and encouraged us to be the best version of ourselves that we could be, a truly inspirational talk.
To open the second day Human Resources Technology Strategist, Gordon Zeilestra, talked through running your career like a business by finding your passion to reveal your purpose. An insightful career panel followed, helping attendees understand various pitfalls of entering the workforce and provided helpful tips to stand out from the crowd when looking for jobs.
Workshops filled the second half of the day with topics ranging from careers, technology, leadership, interview skills, Linkedin and finding balance among all of this. One particular workshop focused on creating your legacy through discovering what you’re passionate about. Workshop facilitator, Jordan D’Urbano, explained the four questions you should ask yourself to discover what you’re passionate about:
  1. What do you talk about most?
  2. What do you challenge yourself on?
  3. What do you spend money on?
  4. What do you research?

The final day of conference began with a look into the GK initiative for the next year: Where are they now? This initiative is looking to re-connect with our extensive alumni to further expand the benefits of being a Golden Key member through networking, mentoring, careers and connection.
Expert on passion, Shivani Gupta, led the group to find their passions through prioritising seven key areas of life: work, family, money, mind, body, spirit and friends. This list was then used to create goals and discover what’s most important to you. Do you want to lose weight but can’t seem to get to the gym? Maybe body isn’t high on your passions list. Shivani explained that goals need to be in line with your passions or you’ve set yourself up to fail.
The final night of the conference was a gala dinner and reception at the Museum of Contemporary Art, overlooking Sydney Harbour. It was a wonderful backdrop to meet fellow attendees and further networking opportunities. It was also an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of Golden Key Asia-Pacific throughout 2016. Golden Key Swinburne’s chapter advisor Professor Glen Bates was recognised as 2016 Advisor of the Year, honouring his continued support and commitment to our chapter and its success.
Golden Key Swinburne secretary, Liz Merritt, accepting award for Advisor of the Year, on behalf of Professor Glen Bates.

Golden Key Swinburne chapter received recognition for achieving Gold standing in 2016. The Swinburne chapter has worked hard to cover all requirements of leadership, academics and service through networking events, career connector events, community service initiatives, intellectual engagement seminars and more in 2016, and look to improve again in 2017. Watch out for our newsletters each month so you don’t miss out on upcoming events, and Like our Facebook page to stay connected


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