Grants Available for Golden Key Asia Pacific Conference 2018

WHAT: 2018 Golden Key Asia-Pacific Conference
WHERE: RMIT University, Swanston St, Melbourne
WHEN: 8 – 10 February 2018


The Golden Key International Honour Society will be celebrating its 25th
Anniversary in Asia Pacific. In 2018 we look back over the past 25 years at the chapter achievements, celebrate key people and look forward to the next 25 years. The conference supports the United Nations Global Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 through our carefully designed program with RMIT that will cover the theme of the conference: Transforming our world through "Innovation, Sustainability and Technology". This conference aims to equip you with the skills, tools and knowledge needed to be the type of leader that our future demands. More details on the conference can be found here:


The Swinburne Chapter has allocated $500 to assist members with the financial costs of attending this event.

  • 5 grants of $100 to enable 5 Swinburne Golden Key members to attend the conference


All successful applicants will be required to represent the Swinburne Chapter at the Asia-Pacific Conference in the following capacities:

  • Attend all days of the main conference
  • Represent the Swinburne Chapter at the Awards Ceremony and if the Chapter is successful accept the Award on behalf of the Chapter
  • Provide a written report about the benefits of their experiences to the Swinburne Chapter upon return from the Asia Pacific Conference.

Note: If successful, payment of sponsorship monies will be paid upon proof of Conference attendance.


Head to to complete the below questions

  • What skills and attributes can you offer the Swinburne Chapter delegation?
  • How will your attendance at the Asia-Pacific Conference benefit your own professional development?
  • How have you contributed to the Swinburne Chapter in the past, currently, or your intention to contribute in the future?

*If there is an issue with the online form, please email (


All applications will be assessed by an impartial Selection Panel.


  • Friday 1 December 2017 – Applications due.
  • Friday 15 December 2017 – Successful & Unsuccessful applicants notified in writing
  • Monday 1 January 2018 – Conference Early Bird registration closes
  • Monday 5 February 2018 – Conference Registration closes
  • Thursday 8 – Saturday 10 February 2018 – Asia-Pacific Conference
  • End of February 2018 – Payments made to successful applicants


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