President's Message - April 2019

Written by Phillip Nguyen - President, Swinburne Chapter

Dear My Fellow Golden Key Members,

I wish that everyone has had a great Easter before highlighting our chapter’s achievements to date.

As autumn swings in, the key highlight from the beginning of the year was the 2019 APAC Leadership Summit held at the University of Adelaide. Our chapter received a plethora of awards that includes Key Chapter Award, Gold Standing Chapter Certificate, Best Ongoing Community Service Initiative and our previous president – Justine Hall received the 2018 Student Leader of the Year. This is testament to the Swinburne Golden Key (GK) chapter that has worked on maintaining the three pillars and going beyond the expectations of the chapter standards that have been placed.

The welcome week GK stall displayed during O-week, provided an opportunity for newly invited members to ask our committee any questions they may have, and to also participate in spin the wheel game once more, this was a major highlight of our stall. Next followed our second Hot Chocolate Networking event, that drew GK members from other Victorian chapters to discuss future activities that could be cross collaborated.

Moreover, two new initiatives being the Active April Premier’s challenge and Run4theKids event were brought to the attention of the Victorian alliance and our chapter. For the members who participated, this was a rewarding experience as it was a welcome surprise to be part of new ideas, that connected those with similar interests.

The upcoming events that have been planned are the Intellectual Engagement Event on the topic of Philanthropy/Social Investment, New Member Reception for invited GK members and our Annual General Meeting. Come along to these fantastic events that will ignite inquisitive minds in a thought-provoking atmosphere.

Some phrases before this newsletter ends,

Think like a proton as it’s always positive.

Money makes the world go round, but it’s not what you generate that’s important, it’s how you manage it.

My current situation is not my final destination.

Phillip Nguyen – Swinburne Golden Key Chapter President


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