President's Farewell 2018

It has been an absolute honour and privilege to be your Chapter President over the last twelve months. Golden Key has been a large part of my life for the last six years. I can’t believe time has flown so fast. It just feels like yesterday when I received my invitation to join Golden Key.

Since joining in 2012, I have attended two Asia-Pacific conferences, received Golden Key’s Asia-Pacific Postgraduate Study Award, organised countless Swinburne Golden Key events, and led one of the very best chapters globally to achieve ‘Key Chapter Award’. Wow!

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome the new committee and thank the 2017-2018 committee members for their service and dedication. Special mention to Swinburne Golden Key’s Chapter Advisor - Professor Glen Bates. Thank you for the wonderful support I received over the last year. I want to extend a warm welcome to newly elected Swinburne Golden Key President Phillip Nguyen and 2018-2019 committee.

I’m grateful for my Golden Key experience. I feel very blessed to be in a position to help others, in particular I’m proud to have led Swinburne Golden Key’s community service initiatives.

Remember to be yourself and share your unique gifts to make the world a better place.                                                                                                                                             
Thank you again 

Justine Hall


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