
Showing posts from 2017

Operation Christmas Child 2017

Written by Justine Hall (GK Swinburne Chapter President) This year Swinburne Golden Key continued to support Samaritans Purse with their annual ‘Operation Christmas Child’ drive. As our nominated ongoing SPARK a Change community service initiative we found this activity very rewarding. Located in Mitcham, Golden Key members attended the warehouse every Saturday during November to pack shoeboxes filled with gifts destined for disadvantaged children living in developing countries. Each shoebox packed contained various items: Something to wear Something to play with Something for school Something to love Something special Something for personal hygiene So far during 2017, the Victorian region of Operation Christmas Child has sent 5 containers to the following countries: 2 x Cambodia, 2 x Papua New Guinea, and 1 x Thailand. Our Golden Key volunteering efforts contributed to 7,737 packed shoeboxes. That’s a lot of excited children!

Honourary Member Profile – Saint Nicholas (December 2017)

Interviewed by Pauline Csuba (GK Swinburne Intellectual Engagement Officer) Name: Nicholas Saint Nicknames: (St Nick) or (Santa Clause) or (Nicholas the Wonder worker) or (Kris Kringle) Attended: Good King Wenceslas World University Course of studies: Bachelor of Theology, Doctorate Degree Theology (Miracles) Family background: High Society and devout Christians. Born: 6 December 300’s Hobbies: Skiing, sleigh rides, snow boarding I grew up in the village of Patara, Lycia on the Southern Coast of Turkey until I was a young boy. After the death of my parents I inherited a large sum of money but kept none of it. I became involved with the Church and I’ve since dedicated my life to helping others and have been known for my gift-giving. I imagine I would like to become a legend and although many stories may be written about me, I have often found my natural intuitive (miracles) healing gifts have attracted persecution. After I completed my studies I moved

Golden Key Hot Chocolate and Hot Topics 2017

Written by Kevin Tuyau (Vice President) Golden Key members received some cerebral and intragemmal stimulation last month at Hot Chocolate and Hot Topics 2017. Once a year the Swinburne chapter hosts an intellectual engagement event. This time we decided to combine it with the monthly chocolate networking event, as it was the chapter's turn to host. The event was held at San Churros in Knox City, instead of the usual San Churros QV. This venue provided more space for the group. All guests enjoyed hot chocolate and churros throughout the event. Attendees took turns selecting questions from the deck on the table. The attendees then took turns debating the issues raised from questions. Topics ranged from “some lives more valuable then others” to “what actions will have the greatest consequences”. The questions were a hit with the attendees, with lively discussion by everyone throughout the event. It also gave an opportunity for everyone to get to know fello

Committee Profile – Liz Merritt (November 2017)

Written by Liz Merritt (Chapter Secretary) "It felt really good to be giving back but also to be representing Golden Key". What did you study at Swinburne?  Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting & Finance). I studied part time while working full time so it took six years to complete. What motivates you when you study? Music! I couldn’t sit in silence and write an essay. It had to be really low volume though otherwise I’d get distracted by the songs and have a karaoke session instead of writing my essay. I also found having strategic naps helped. If I started getting sleepy from reading textbooks and articles I’d set my alarm for 15 minutes and have a quick cat nap. Once my alarm went off I’d be refreshed and ready to get back into the books. When did you join Golden Key?  I joined in 2015 after I’d graduated. I’d received a couple of invitations over the course of the six years of study but never joined. It wasn’t until I spoke to a friend about the invitations

KOGO Christmas Angel Wrapping Day 2017

Written by Justine Hall (Chapter President) and Kevin Tuyau (Vice President) Swinburne Chapter President Justine and Vice President Kevin volunteered at the “Christmas Wrapping Present Day” at the King David School Hall. This event is held by Swinburne Golden Key in partnership with KOGO (Knit One Give One) and is held once a year. The morning involved wrapping 3,128 Christmas presents for children living in refuges escaping domestic violence. Donated items included children’s book, knitted toys and games. Volunteers were asked to bring a Christmas present to add the thousands of other items donated throughout the campaign. We are proud to be a part of this annual once off SPARK a Change community service project, we look forward to supporting this worthwhile cause next year.

Justine Crochets for Monash Children’s Hospital

Written by Justine Hall (Swinburne Chapter President 2017) On Thursday 12th October I visited Basem Kerbage, Community Fundraising and Events Assistant at Monash Health Foundation located within the Monash Children’s Hospital, Clayton. I donated 18 handmade crochet cats (100 hours of work) where they were distributed among sick kids and the auxiliary group who are selling them to raise funds. Monash Children’s Hospital will directly benefit from the funds raised from my crocheted toys helping with the purchase of vital medical equipment and create bright, welcoming environments to help provide the best care for thousands of patients and their families across Victoria.

Justine is Community Leader of the Year Finalist

Written by Justine Hall (Swinburne Chapter President 2017) As President of Swinburne Golden Key I am honoured to be awarded ‘Victorian State Finalist - Community Leader of the Year 2017’ in the Australian Leadership Excellence Awards. On Thursday 21 st September I attended the Victorian Institute of Managers and Leaders ceremony held at Collins Square Business Centre. The Australian Leadership Excellence Awards (ALEAs) is Australia’s peak awards ceremony recognising and celebrating outstanding leaders. The Community Leader category recognises outstanding achievements of individuals who have demonstrative active leadership and service while making a contribution to the improvement of their own and the broader community. Judging was based on 7 skills of very successful leaders including setting and implementing strategy, making decisions, ethical leadership and leading people. During the vigorous application process I reflected upon on my leadership journey over the last 1

Grants Available for Golden Key Asia Pacific Conference 2018

WHAT: 2018 Golden Key Asia-Pacific Conference WHERE: RMIT University, Swanston St, Melbourne WHEN: 8 – 10 February 2018 ABOUT THE PROGRAM The Golden Key International Honour Society will be celebrating its 25th Anniversary in Asia Pacific. In 2018 we look back over the past 25 years at the chapter achievements, celebrate key people and look forward to the next 25 years. The conference supports the United Nations Global Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 through our carefully designed program with RMIT that will cover the theme of the conference: Transforming our world through "Innovation, Sustainability and Technology". This conference aims to equip you with the skills, tools and knowledge needed to be the type of leader that our future demands. More details on the conference can be found here: SPONSORSHIP The Swinburne Chapter has allocated $500 to assist members with the financial costs of attending this event. 5 grants of $

Committee Profile: Batur Changez

Batur Changez Professional Development Officer - Golden Key Swinburne Chapter What are you doing currently? I am doing a Bachelors of Business, majoring in Human Resource Management (International Business minor) at Swinburne University and working as a Human Resource Associate at GlaxoSmithKline Australia (GSK) as part of my IBL (Industry Based Learning) program and as a Professional Development Officer at Golden Key International Honours Society Swinburne Chapter. Have Business and HR always been your areas of interest? Not really, I always wanted to be a doctor, Cardiologist, as a high school student. I even applied for Medical Schools back in Pakistan (my country of origin) after completing year 12 and got an offer from a private medical school but I never ended up taking it as I had planned to study overseas . I was very keen on my passion for becoming a doctor even when I came to Australia but it did not take me long to realise the potentials of having

Honorary Member Profile: Raj Malhotra

Swinburne Golden Key Honorary Member Profile Name:  Raj Malhotra Current Job:  Magistrate Honorary Member since 2016 Qualifications: Bachelor of Laws, University of Western Australia; Executive Masters in Public Administration, University of Melbourne. How you any lecturing/teaching experience? 2 years at RMIT in Faculty of Business and Law. How did you develop your leadership? Fundamentally, working hard is at the core of all success. Applying yourself, having clear goals, looking for solutions to problems, having integrity, being resilient and being naturally driven and ambitious are traits that have helped me arrive at my current position. I have actively worked on being a leader that is empathetic to people's and the community's needs. I've arrived for excellence and pushed myself to not be afraid to pursue the difficult challenges. Decision making without fear or favour! What is your leadership style? Much of what I said in my pr

Race Against Depression 2017

Written By: Meg Blackie Following their annual tradition of 12 years, on the 6 th of August RMIT once again hosted The Race Against Depression. All funds raised are donated to Headspace to assist them in the amazing work they do around Australia. This year $2,415 was raised! Although the day started off wet and cold, as soon as the race began the sun came out and shone for all of what turned out to be a fantastic day! Eight groups signed up for the race, including Swinburne’s group made up of four Golden Key Members. Each group was handed an initial clue which led them to a location where they had to complete a challenge in order to receive the next clue to figure out the second location. There were 7 locations in total, and the challenges were great fun! In our first challenge, we had to move an oreo from our forehead into our mouths without using our hands (funnier watched then explained!). For our second challenge, we had 60 seconds to work as a team to move as many uncooked

Committee Profile: Pauline Csuba

Pauline Csuba- Golden Key Intellectual Engagement Officer-Swinburne Chapter Aug 2016 - current Pauline Csuba – Intellectual Engagement Officer What did you study at Swinburne?  Bachelor of Arts Professional Writing and Editing (Major) Journalism (Minor). During my studies I completed the Swinburne Emerging Leader Program in campus participation, career development, community engagement, global citizenship and industry experience. Volunteered as a Swin-Mentor, O-Host and was involved in the Student Advancement Accelerate Program where I completed a semester in the Swinburne Centre for Career Development. I enjoyed a study tour to China as part of my degree and after receiving an invitation to join Golden Key I applied for and received a travel scholarship from Golden Key to attend the conference in Tucson Arizona. What motivates you when you study? Self-talk: reminding myself that I am capable of achieving and succeeding. I use my diary daily and write in all my

Hot Chocolate Networking July 2017

Written by Kevin Tuyau (Swinburne Chapter Vice President 2017) The Swinburne chapter hosted June's Golden Key Monthly Chocolate Networking Event. As always, the event was held at San Churro in the QV. Justine (Chapter President) and I (Chapter Vice President) were there to greet guests as they arrived. The event had a good turnout with Golden Key members from both the Swinburne chapter and Deakin chapter in attendance. Regular attendees, and those who had not been seen in a while, got the opportunity to catch up. As always, attendees to the event got their free hot chocolate. There were a variety to choose from. I had a white hot chocolate with cookie crumbs on top. We also enjoyed churros with chocolate dipping sauce along with a mixture of banana and strawberry, which was a pleasant surprise. Golden Key has a table reserved in the same corner of San Churro QV on the last Thursday of every month. I highly encourage you to come and get your free hot chocolate. The

Academic Breakfast June 2017

Written by Kevin Tuyau (Swinburne Chapter Vice President 2017) In June I attended Golden Key Swinburne's annual Academic Breakfast at Café Blac. At this invitation only event the new committee, that was elected in May, got the opportunity to meet various key staff of Swinburne and the honorary Golden Key members inducted in the past. The most prominent of the guests being Swinburne Vice Chancellor Linda Kristjanson and Ernst & Young Partner Terence Jeyaretnam. For many on the committee, the breakfast is the first Golden Key event they attend and is a great opportunity to network. Guests are allocated seating specifically so Golden Key members are sitting next to a staff member or honorary member. The breakfast is also a great opportunity for Swinburne staff and honorary members to know more about Golden Key and the great work we do for the community and university. Golden Key University Relations Officer Sunnefa, our representative from the Sydney Headqua

Committee Profile: Justine Hall

Justine Hall – President What did you study at Swinburne?  Master of Commerce (Marketing). During my studies I completed ‘leading teams’ elective, part of the Master of Science in Leadership Program (GLP - Global Leadership Program), delivered jointly by Swinburne University and Northeastern University, Boston, USA.             I also completed   the   ‘ My Mentor Program - Challenging Women to Make It Happen!’ . My Mentor is a leadership and career mentoring program aimed for women to develop managerial skills and lead a team. Australian leading organisations have participated in the program including Telstra, PWC, ANZ and the Commonwealth Bank. What motivates you when you study? Writing my goals down and pinning them on my notice board in my room. Listening to music, my favourite is Emperor of the Sun - Walking on a Dream. When did you join Golden Key?  2012 What Golden Key positions have you held? President, Swinburne (May 2017 - current) Vice Presi

SPARK: Aboriginal Literacy Book Packing Day

Written by: Kylie Goatley On Friday 26th May Golden Key Swinburne Chapter spent the afternoon at the Aboriginal Literacy Foundation, who holds book collection drives for aboriginal children twice per year. Our chapter president, Justine Hall, arranged a volunteering day for Golden Key Swinburne members to assist with packing the donated books ready to be sent out. Throughout the afternoon the 6 members in attendance sorted books into appropriate age groups: 0-4 years, 5-9 years, 10-14 years and 15-18 years. This involved sorting over 2,200 books into approximately 40 boxes. It is expected that on average each child will benefit from 3 books each. The books that GK Swinburne assisted in packing were dispatched as part of the foundations Northern Australian Books and Library Project. This project aims to support over 120 schools in Northern Queensland, Northern Territory and North Western Australia The impact of GK Swinburne's volunteer book packing afternoon means that ap

Annual General Meeting - May 2017

Written by Justine Hall (GK Swinburne President) Swinburne Golden Key held its Annual General Meeting on May 10th in the Library Conference Room (Penang Room), Hawthorn Campus at 6pm. On the night we elected the following to the executive committee for 2017-2018: President Justine Hall Vice-President Kevin Tuyau Treasurer Carlo Sinay Secretary Liz Merritt In addition to the executive committee we elected the following positions; Newsletter Editor Kylie Goatley Professional Development Officer Batur Changez Intellectual Engagement Officer Pauline Csuba Social Officer Meg Blackie Alumni Liaison Officer Karuna Santosa General Committee Member Sam Bhullar Webmaster Kevin Tuyau Congratulations to our newly formed committee and welcome on-board our new members. If you would like to jo

New Members Reception 2017 - Perspective of a New Member

Written by Karuna Santosa - Swinburne University of Technology Research Assistant, Pro-Vice Chancellor’s Office of Student Engagement When I received a letter in the mail informing me I was invited to join the Golden Keys International Honour Society, I was quite surprised.  I had heard of the society before but I was not aware of what it did or what it stood for as a society.  The letter provided me information about a new members’ event which I was invited to attend.  I was not sure why I was receiving an invite at this stage of my studies, my marks had always been strong and my average score was steady.  So I decided to ask staff at Swinburne whether they thought it was worth paying $100 to join the society.  Interestingly enough, everyone I spoke too encouraged me to join because they believed it was a great networking opportunity.  I decided to find out more about the society before committing myself to the new members’ event.  I did this by attending the free information ses

Golden Key VA Ball 2017

Written by Kevin Tuyau (Vice President Swinburne Chapter)  A great night was had at the annual Golden Key Victoria Alliance Ball. The event is exclusive to Golden Key members and their guests. Almost 100 people attended on the night, including myself and our Newsletter Editor Kylie. This year the theme was Masquerade. This meant that guests had to wear masks to create a bit of mystery and increase social interaction. The Ball took place at the Rendezvous Hotel in the Melbourne CBD, opposite Flinders Street Station. The function room was impressive, definitely in keeping with the style of a 4 star hotel. Just walking through the marble covered hotel foyer created an atmosphere of grandeur. Upon taking my seat, I was greeted by the waiter, offering to pour me a drink. I took a soft drink, but there was a selection of wines available to choose from as well. They also had an open bar where drinks could be taken throughout the night. Dinner this year was a buffe